Conversations About Student Mental Health
In this podcast, we talk with school administrators, educators, clinicians, and parents to open a dialogue that will help the growing number of students struggling with mental illness.
Conversations About Student Mental Health
Fostering Positive Relationships Between Parents, Schools and the Community
Christopher J. Leonard, MSW, LCSW, M.ED
Season 1
Episode 16
In the past 18 months, many students experienced gaps in academic, social, and emotional development. Parents are worried about what their children have missed and how their school will ensure stability and readiness for what comes next. Needless to say, the current situation can be a recipe for tension between parents and educators. So how do we foster positive working relationships between educators and parents? Chris Leonard talks with Dr. Gerry Crisonino, Assistant Superintendent of Special Services in the Jersey City, NJ Public Schools, who currently serves over 4200 students with disabilities.
Highlights include:
- The importance of listening and being open to criticism
- How to respond to parents who come in ready for a fight
- Tips for keeping the focus on what's best for the child
- Ideas for communicating with the parent community
- Sharing content to bridge the gap and strengthen relationships